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Kid’s Bible Memory Club
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Kid’s Bible Memory Club
Learn more about how we make it easy to memorize and how the whole plan works. And what’s in it for the ones who do the work.
Do you think your children incapable of memorizing verses?
Are you thinking your children are not capable of memorizing Bible verses? Read this passage about Gideon Judges 6:11-40 & chapters 7 to 8:23. In his own eyes, he was the least in his father’s house, and his clan was the weakest clan in Manasseh.
“I am so pleased I found this resource to plant the seeds of the precious Word into my nephew’s memory. This will produce fruit all his life. Thank you so much for your faithfulness.”
– Jessica
From our blog
3 Omnipotent Benefits of Memorizing Bible Verses Part III
#3 Benefit Let’s review! #1Benefit: Change of Behavior #2 Benefit: Spiritual Growth #3 Benefit of Memorizing Bible Verses: If I don’t know the content of His Word how can I obey it? Have you ever thought, why don’t I do what I know I should do, and do things I know I...
3 Omnipotent Benefits of Bible Memory Part II
What is #2 Benefit of Bible Memory?
First you need to know:
Growth implies birth took place. Coming to Christ for salvation is many times referred to as being Born Again. Indeed, it is a new birth. The body was born, but the spirit was not yet made alive. It must be awakened to God or born.
3 Omnipotent Benefits from Memorizing Bible Passages
What happens when you hide God’s Word in your heart? That’s what Dr. Neil C. Stewart in a very inspiring article published in Table Talk magazine September 2022 asks.
3 Powerful Pillars to Inspire Kids to Steadfastly Walk Worthy of Their Calling
Paul, called to be an apostle is how I Corinthians 1 starts out. "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in...
Potential for Transformation Through Bible Memory Club
Is there more than the transformation of the person who is memorizing God’s Word? Is there a potential transformation of those in our circle of influence?
Why Teach Kids to Memorize Bible Verses
Why Teach Kids to Memorize Bible Verses (3 Excellent Reasons) Before you start judging the idea, ask yourself this question. Are you the person who was forced to memorize Bible verses as a kid and hated it? Then hold your judgment because you are still alive and able...