About Marlene Hibbard


God has gifted her with the ability to communicate with children.  See credential and experience here

“What I find to be effective in working with children is having fun. Being silly comes easy for me.” 

Your kids will enjoy every moment of fun, crazy tactics and laughter as they barely realize they are working at memorizing. 

They will learn to use their own imaginations for triggers to remind them of each word in the verse and where it fits. You may have an idea of how life-changing the memorizing of scripture can be in the life of a person at any age. If not, be sure to read Marlene’s testimony in the blog entitled Why Teach Kids to Memorize Bible Verses. https://kidsbiblememory.com/Blog/

Bible college (John Davis Bible College, Broome County, NY)  

mother and daughter

Teaching Philosophy

What will your kids do with their time? Skateboarding, swimming, rollerblading? So many things to choose from.

But is there any time for honing their memory skills? 

What about their spiritual health? Is there any room for growth there? Memorizing Bible verses can help with anything they need or want to learn. Improving memory can’t hurt.

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